I always encourage good communication between partners, so before you jump out on in him in your “I dream of Jeannie” costume ready to grant Major Nelson’s every wish….. Please talk to your man. J Tell him you read my blog and I suggested you try something a little different to add some kinkiness to the bedroom. Find out what type of RP he would like to do as well and then go get your costumes.
Today I discussed with the Ladies on the Tajahi Facebook Page if they liked to Role Play. Many of them shared their RP experiences, as did I. Role-play can also add another level of excitement, fun & erotic pleasure to intimacy that is already hot. Below are some of RP suggestions from the Tajahi Facebook page as well as some I thought up myself
1. Santa’s Little Helper***
2. Arabian Nights
3. Cave man & Cave Woman
4. The Wild West
5. Alice in Wonderland
6. Robin Hood & Maid Marian
7. The Professor & the Naughty Student
8. Egyptian Queen w/ her slave
9. Cougar and the Younger Pool Man
10. Roger Rabbit & Jessica
11. Superman & Wonder Woman
12. Dorothy & the Tin Man
13. Cop & the Prostitute
14. Star Wars – Han Solo & Leah
15. The Mail / UPS / FedEx Man
16. sub/Dom
17. Geisha Girl
18. Tarzan
19. Angel & Buffy the Vampire Slayer
You can also further your RP experience by getting a themed hotel room, like for instance, a FantaSuite.
Do you like to Role Play? If so, what is your Role Playing Fantasy?
Wish you all the gift of many wonderful Orgasms.
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